DomainObjects Class Library |
Query Members
Query overview
Public Static Fields
 NO_MAXIMUM_COUNT | Specifies that there is no limit on the number of rows selected by the query. |
Public Static Methods
 FindObjectByPrimaryKey | Overloaded. Retrieves a persistable object by its primary key. |
 GetCount | Overloaded. Returns the total number of rows matching the given criteria, including duplicates and null values. Translates to a COUNT(*) query in SQL. |
Public Instance Properties
CommandTimeout | Gets or sets the wait time before terminating the attempt to execute a SQL statement and generating an error. |
Distinct | Gets or sets a value indicating whether only unique rows can appear in the result set. Null values are considered equal for the purposes of the DISTINCT keyword. |
ExplicitSelectFields | Gets the fields whose values will be returned by the DataSet. |
Having | The criteria that will be converted to the HAVING clause of the SQL select statement. |
IsTopSpecified | Gets a value indicating whether this instance is querying only for a top number of rows. |
SelectDistinct | Determine if duplicate rows will be removed when this object is queried from the database. |
TargetClass | Gets the class being targeted by this query. |
TargetTableMappedObject | Gets the target table mapped object. |
Top | Gets or sets the maximum number of rows that will be returned from the query result set. |
UnionedQueries | Gets the queries that have been unioned with this query. |
Where | Gets or sets the criteria that will be converted to the WHERE clause of the SQL select statement. The getter will always return a non-null value. |
Public Instance Methods
Accept | Accepts the specified visitor. |
AddPrefetch | Specifies how deep in the object graph this query will retrieve objects related to the target class. Multiple prefetches may be added to a single query. By retrieving all objects specified by relatedClassToPrefetch via a single SELECT statement to the database, prefetching avoids lazy loads of related objects and thus improves performance.
AddSelectField | Adds a field whose value will be returned by a DataSet. Only add select fields if you are retrieving values in a DataSet via a call to FindDataSet. |
AddSelectFields | Adds to the set of fields whose values will be returned by a DataSet. Only add select fields if you are retrieving values in a DataSet via a call to FindDataSet. |
BuildObjectGraphQuery | |
Equals (inherited from Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
GetClassesToRetrieve | Builds the complete set of Classes being retrieved by this query. |
GetFullTableName | Get the fully qualified name of the table to which this object maps. |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. |
GetImmediateChildExpressions | Gets the child object model expressions that are directly contained by this expression. |
GetInsertableFields | Get the set of insertable Fields to which this object, and any of its sub-types, maps. This is the set of ColumnFields that are populated by the middle tier when a row is inserted into the database. |
GetNaturalIdentifier | Get a string that identifies this object to a person familiar with the object model. Used when an instance of this field is part of a logging or assertion statement. |
GetRootTableMappedObject | Returns the root table mapped object in this query path; i.e., the starting point of this join path. |
GetSelectableFields | Get the set of selectable Fields to which this object, and any of its sub-types, maps. |
GetType (inherited from Object) | Gets the Type of the current instance. |
GetUpdatableFields | Get the set of updatable ColumnFields to which this object, and any of its sub-types, maps. This list would exclude, for example, any primary key columns. |
HasAnyComputedPrimaryKeyColumns | Determines whether this table mapped object has any computed primary key columns. |
IsCount | Determines whether this instance represents a SQL COUNT statement. |
ToString (inherited from Object) | Returns a String that represents the current Object. |
See Also
Query Class | DomainObjects.Facade.Command Namespace